Big Ant Cricket 14, the game that has been in the news for so long these days was asking it’s users whom to feature in their cover, and on August 6, 2013 they revealed that Big Ant Cricket 14 has acquired license to put their name up as Don Bradman Cricket 14.“The Bradman name comes with incredible responsibility” are the concise words said by the CEO of Big Ant Studios, the developer of Don Bradman Cricket 14 on August 6 announcing that their game will behold one of the greatest Cricket Player ever, Sir Donald Bradman under the license of Sir Donald Bradman in Bowral.Home Entertainment Suppliers Pty Ltd (HES) will join Big Ant Studios as publisher for Don Bradman Cricket 14 with a release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PCs later this year. HES Managing Director Sebastian Giompaolo describes the use of Bradman’s name as an honour.
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Other game features confirmed so far include,
- Unique Batting and Bowling Controls, giving full 360 Shot control and Line and Length delivery without pitch markers.
- A fully featured fielding system that allows you to run down the ball and slide to prevent a Four, catch a high ball on the boundary rope, or knock down the stumps to take a vital run out. You are always involved in the play at every stage of the game!
- Ball Physics giving realistic Edges, bat pad catches and movement off the pitch.
- A complete player physics system with individual attributes including weight and height ‐ imagine running in a 2 metre bowler to delivery that perfect bouncer!
- Appeal and Electronic Review system allowing for the first time challenges of the umpires decision.
- Practice Nets, Hone your skills to perfection before taking to the field.
- Dynamic time of day, Weather System and Pitch Degradation that are based on real world data with effects occurring in real-time throughout a days・ play.
- The Cricket Academy, allowing for unparalleled customisation of your Cricket experience, creating Teams, players, Tours, Competitions, Match Types and even Umpires.
- More than 4000 Community created Players and teams ready to download and use in game.
- An online Save system that lets you continue your match whenever you want with online opponents.